Wednesday 22 February 2017

Lessons learned. after 5 mornings of 100.4kg, I then endured 3 mornings of this....the number in the picture. I'm pretty sure the weight of my expectation and anticipation was contributing to the fact that I just couldn't get over the line. And yes, I realize 3 days is hardly a plateau...but bloody look at it. I WANT THOSE DOUBLE DIGITS!

So... I was talking to my best friend about it, and she's been a competitive weight lifter for ages. She told me about a trick the other girls at her gym sometimes use to drop a bit of extra weight, and like some sort of number-chasing crazy person, I decided to go for it.

The trick/technique doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what I did. The point is that if I'd just held on with exactly what I was doing, I'd most likely have smashed the double digit barrier by now....but here I am, 2 days later, 100.5kg.

Now... I KNOW we're talking about grams here. I realize a half kilo variance is no big deal. I'm really not -that- focused on the numbers. It's just this particular number because it represents a huge goal for me, and I've now set myself back, and completely wasted half a week of restrictive eating and working out.

The whole reason I'm writing this post is to remind/reassure myself (and you guys) that whatever works for you, works for you. Quick fixes and easy ways don't exist for long term success and it's important to be patient, especially when it comes to hitting your goals. You'll get there. I'll get there. It'll happen with time if you continue to put the required effort into what works for you.

Maybe now I'll listen to the boyfriend when he says "Chillax, it'll happen soon enough, you're doing an awesome job."

I'll also be taking my scales to his place this weekend, just in case I miss the magic moment by leaving them at home for 2 days. haha!

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