Saturday 11 February 2017

The story so far...

I suppose I should start by introducing myself. My name is Katy, and I've been obese for a little less than half of my life. I've just turned 36, and I'm about halfway through the journey of a lifetime/the fight of my life/the hardest shit I've ever had to do. I'm losing weight. A lot of it.

My start weight in October 2015 was 121.8kg. When my doctor weighed me and I saw the number, I burst into tears. I think that was a turning point for me. I've "tried" so many times in the past to shed the excess weight that's been hanging around for about a decade and a half, but always lose motivation, always end up even heavier than I was before. I think there comes a point when you just have to be ready.

My friend Alice had a gastric bypass in the same month that I decided I needed to change my life. She's amazing. The way she's completely changed her life, the way she eats, and most importantly how much she works out to improve upon what the surgery was able to help her achieve....I'm in awe. But watching her has helped to spur me on. I can see now what can be achieved. My progress will be much slower, because I'm working on the theory of eat less, move more, and I don't feel like bariatric surgery is my best option. I'm cool with that, though.

Anyway, that's how I'm inspired. I want to talk a little bit about how I got to that point of 121.8kg in the first place.

A lot of people who talk about their food addiction speak in terms of massive quantities. I think the crazy part about my gain was that I didn't ever eat really huge meals or gorge on ridiculous amounts of bad food. I think maybe I'm just one of those people who needs to be super careful about their intake/output or weight creeps on. At my worst, a day's intake would look like this:
Breakfast: Hungry Jack's brekky wrap
Lunch: chips and gravy
Dinner: Not really junk food, but things that are carb-heavy like pasta.
Snacking in between meals wasn't really an issue, but at night after dinner, I'd eat a bar of chocolate or some ice cream.
My main problem was soda. Energy drinks, to be more specific. It wasn't unheard of for me to drink a litre of V in a day.
I guess over a number of years, that really adds up on your belly and butt.

So where am I right now?
When I weighed myself this morning, I was 100.9kg. I've lost 21 kg so far, and I'm feeling much better than I was, but I'm hungry for the goals. Hungry for the end result, and hungry in general. The photo above is only a 15kg difference. At the gym, lifting a 115kg deadlift ( I weighed 116kg) and at my ex husband's house, last weekend at 101kg. There's a long way to go. I already have sagging skin on my arms and thighs. My belly looks like it's deflating, and my boobs....are surprisingly holding up ok for now, but there's definitely some loose skin there too.  I'm kinda terrified about what my body is going to look like when I'm finished with this, but I accept that whatever the outcome, it's because I did this to myself by gaining the weight in the first place, and loose skin is going to be far better than fat-filled skin.

I'll talk about workouts and my fitness in another post this week, and I'll talk about food separately too.

That's all for now. I just wanted an initial "here I am, and here's what I'm doing" post to get the ball rolling.

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